Behavioral Health & Wellness Services (Calendar Year 2025)

Community-Based Cased Management
Our goal is to ensure ongoing access to mental health and medical health services, financial assistance, housing, employment, social services, and other community services and supports to help them to live within their communities.
We provide Mental Health Case Management services to assist individuals with serious behavioral health and co-occurring medical disorders who need specialized supports due to age-related or complex medical issues. Case Managers work closely with the individual, family, primary care providers and other health care professionals/agencies to provider services that help with improving communication, coordination of care, post-acute care and chronic disease management all with the goal of supporting people to achieve their personal goals and to thrive.
We provide Case Management within the community, at times and locations that are accessible for our consumers, and at a frequency that fits with the needs of the individual being served.
Our goal is to ensure ongoing access to mental health and medical health services, financial assistance, housing, employment, social services, and other community services and supports to help them to live within their communities.
We provide Mental Health Case Management services to assist individuals with serious behavioral health and co-occurring medical disorders who need specialized supports due to age-related or complex medical issues. Case Managers work closely with the individual, family, primary care providers and other health care professionals/agencies to provider services that help with improving communication, coordination of care, post-acute care and chronic disease management all with the goal of supporting people to achieve their personal goals and to thrive.
We provide Case Management within the community, at times and locations that are accessible for our consumers, and at a frequency that fits with the needs of the individual being served.
Milestone provides Behavioral Health & Wellness services to individuals who are 55 or older and have been referred to us through Integrated Services of Kalamazoo. Our behavioral health professionals work with clients to ensure ongoing access to needed mental health, medical health services, financial assistance, housing, employment, social services and other community supports.
When working with a client to monitor their mental health diagnosis, we look at mood, symptoms, progression toward goals, appropriate placement and response to treatment. Every client is an individual and we understand not everyone reacts to treatment in the same way.
Who we serve
Milestone Senior Services is currently caring for approximately 200 individual who meet the following criteria:
- Individuals aged 55 or older living in Kalamazoo County
- Those who have a severe or persistent/chronic mental illness diagnosis
- Individuals pre-qualified for Targeted Case Management Services by Integrated Services of Kalamazoo (ISK)
How to Access Services
Individuals interested in receiving Milestone Behavioral Health Case Management Services need to first go through the Intake process with ISK. If ISK determines that you qualify for Targeted Case Management Services, you may request that Milestone Senior Services to be your contracted care provider. ISK will then make an official referral to the Milestone Behavioral Health Program. To schedule an intake assessment at ISK you can call the access department at 269-373-6000 or, you can go in person to the Behavioral Health Urgent Care at 440 W. Kalamazoo Ave., Kalamazoo.
Once approved by ISK, you will be informed of the services you qualify for and any costs that you may incur, you can contact the Milestone Behavioral Health program at 269-382-0515 during our office hours: Monday through Friday, 8 am- 5 pm.
What our clints are saying
Here are a few quotes from Milestone's Behavoiral Health clients:
"My case worker is just fine!"
"Milestone helped me."
"My case worker is supportive."
"She helps me feel better."
"I feel supported."
Nursing Facility Services
As part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), Milestone provides annual assessments for nursing facility residents who have a mental health diagnosis.
We provide Nursing Facility Monitoring for clients residing in a nursing facility who have been screened through a level 2 OBRA assessment. Nursing Facility Monitoring ensures that our clients have ongoing access to quality mental health services. We provide the same services in our Nursing Facility Monitoring program that we do in our Case Management work in the community.
Milestone offers OBRA and Nursing Facility Monitoring in Kalamazoo County. Healthcare providers can contact our Customer Service department at (269) 382-0515 for more information about these services.