Please support our Capital Campaign
For more than sixty years, Milestone Senior Services has provided services that empower older adults and adults with disabilities to live safely and independently in their home. At the heart of all of Milestone’s programing is the commitment of treating people with dignity and respect while providing services that allow people to continue living at home while enjoying an improved quality of life.
Seniors over the age of 60 is the fastest growing demographic with an anticipated increase of 30% in the next thirty years. This reality, combined with a dire shortage of healthcare professionals, creates a greater need than ever for Milestone’s services. At Milestone Senior Services we recognize and promote the value of aging in place. Remaining in the community allows people to stay connected to their family, friends, neighbors, and the cultural communities they identify with.
Your generosity will ensure that we are able to continue meeting the needs of older adults and adults with disabilities living at home in our community.